He spent 45 minutes engaged and enthusiastic about the training that students are gaining, job potentials, challenges and successes of training career technical education programs like HPRT. He came up with ideas and enjoyed seeing what five-years of classwork has accomplished to the 22-year abandoned Queen Anne cottage.
Mike Thompson feels smooth wall plaster restoration done by students
Bill Hole discusses with Congressman Mike Thompson past HPRT projects of
Service Learning and Green Jobs pre-apprenticeship training with CCC youth.

Professor Bill Hole showing Congressman Mike Thompson a molding profile planer knife cut by past student (and student club founder), Ashley Hudson
Thompson and past student Steve Lazar watch students Quinn Kalisch and Mike
Coop glazing a wooden window sash.
Group photo of smiles – (left to right) Elliot Kane, Associate Faculty Bob Felter, Ryan Barlow, Greg DeAngelis, Professor Bill Hole, Congressman Mike Thompson, Alan Michaels, and Josh Carr.
Omran is excited to work on real projects in this hands on classroom training. Shay is measuring skirting before it is cut and applied to the Annie B.

Ryan Stoffel enjoys working on the Annie B. Ryan house.
Nancy Ingram checking twice before cutting once.
Below: Greg
DeAngelis cleaning window jamb for window restoration demonstration project.

Kane happy to be working with his hands at the field school.
Students were in class and engaged with various projects, stopping to interact with his questions, and for a group photo and signing of the welcome poster at the end (Thanks to Colleen Hole for painting the poster and gathering signatures!).
Thanks to Paul DeMark for contacting the Times-Standard newspaper, as photographer Shawn Walker came by to shoot a picture for the Sunday paper. Thanks to Breon Hole for volunteering as our site photographer by taking these great pictures during his visit.
Special thanks to students in the HPRT Student Club students Greg DeAngelis, Megan Carver, and Elliot Kane for preparing the visual aids, and past student Maggy Herbelin and current student Nancy Ingram for baking fresh cookies.